Team visit at Hyundai production facility in Nosovice

On a freezing Thursday on 7.12.2023, the Janík Motorsport team took advantage of the cold weather to diversify its winter break and accepted an invitation to the Hyundai production facility in Nosovice from its partner, Hyundai Motor Manufacturing Czech s.r.o..
Some of the team's drivers, partners and mechanics were given the opportunity to experience the background of many working professions from the press shop, welding shop, gearbox shop, to the final assembly of the cars themselves and to get a glimpse under the hands of experienced workers operating the production lines. The icing on the cake was a pleasant invitation to lunch at a local renowned Korean canteen.
Hyundai's production plant rightly boasts the designation of being one of the most modern automobile factories in Europe, we can only agree and thank you for the invitation to a pleasant morning.